andrew j. hayduke

Cheek Implants

Dr. Andrew J. Hayduke
DR Andrew j. HAYDUKE

Cheek implants improve the size and contour to cheeks that lack definition. People with weak cheek structure, a narrow or flat face, or who have lost cheek contour due to the effects of age can benefit from the cosmetic effects of cheek implants.

malar implant
Cheek bone implants have been in use since the 1960’s and have a good record for safe and effective cosmetic improvement. They are constructed from a variety of synthetic materials that range from fairly rigid to very flexible. Cheek bone implants come in various shapes and sizes. Some cheek implants, such as those made from silicone, do not integrate with tissue and can be easily removed at a later date. Other cheek bone implants, such as hydroxyapatite implants, integrate with the surrounding natural bone tissue.

Many shapes, sizes and types of cheek implants exist.  Dr. Hayduke works with his patients to customize a cheek implant plan for their particular anatomy and cosmetic goals.


malar implant

(All rights to cheek implant trade names, images and design are reserved by their respective owners)